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Second Law of Thermodynamics Made by Suno AI

Pop song
⚔️ Power Metal ⚔️

Second Law of Thermodynamics

Second Law of Thermodynamics

[Guitar Intro]

[Verse 1]

In the fabric of reality, a law stands tall and true,

It's the second law of thermodynamics, guiding all we do.

Entropy, the measure of chaos, ever on the rise,

In every corner of existence, it's the ultimate prize.

[Instrumental interlude]

[Guitar solo]

[Instrumental interlude]

[Short Guitar solo]

[Verse 2]

From a pristine snowflake to a forest dense and wild,

Entropy whispers tales of change, in patterns reconciled.

As molecules disperse and systems tend to decay,

The universe obeys this law, in its relentless way.

[Instrumental build up]

[Verse 2]

From a pristine snowflake to a forest dense and wild,

Entropy whispers tales of change, in patterns reconciled.

As molecules disperse and systems tend to decay,

The universe obeys this law, in its relentless way.

[Instrumental build up]


Entropy's relentless, its decree unfurled,

In the cosmic ballet, disorder's the world.

From galaxies to atoms, chaos takes its prime,

In the grand design, entropy marks the time.

[Instrumental lead]


Entropy's the name, disorder's constant stride,

In the cosmic dance, it's the rule worldwide.

From order to disorder, the journey's clear,

In the grand design, entropy reigns, my dear.

[Fast Guitar Solo]

[Guitar solo]

[Guitar solo]



Entropy's the name, disorder's constant stride,

In the cosmic dance, it's the rule worldwide.

From order to disorder, the journey's clear,

In the grand design, entropy reigns, my dear.


[Guitar solo]

[Guitar solo]



Entropy's the name, disorder's constant stride,

In the cosmic dance, it's the rule worldwide.

From order to disorder, the journey's clear,

In the grand design, entropy reigns, my dear.




(math equations on a board, professor)